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Recording Format

The page describes the data format when downloading Neon recordings from Pupil Cloud in the "Timeseries Data" and "Timeseries Data + Scene Video" formats. In this format the Data from the Neon Companion is augmented by adding gaze and eye state estimates whenever they had not been computed in realtime. Futhermore fixations and blink data as well as some IMU transformations are computed.

When downloading Native Recording Data from the Cloud or directly extracting it via USB from the companion device, you can use the pl-neon-recording python library to read and access the data or load it onto Neon Player. This data format will contain all video data as well as all data that has been computed in realtime on the companion device.

Recording Folders

The export contains one folder per recording following this naming scheme: <recording name>-<start of recording ID> The files included in every folder are described in the following.


This file contains meta-information on the recording.

android_device_idUnique identifier of the Android device used as Companion.
android_device_modelModel name of the Companion device.
android_device_nameDevice name of the Companion device.
app_versionVersion of the Neon Companion app used to make the recording.
calib_versionVersion of the offset correction used by the Neon Companion app.
data_format_versionVersion of the data format used by the Neon Companion app.
durationDuration of the recording in nanoseconds
firmware_versionVersion numbers of the firmware and FPGA.
frame_idNumber identifying the type of frame used for this recording.
frame_nameName of the frame used for this recording.
gaze_offsetGaze offset applied to this recording using the offset correction. Values are in pixels.
module_serial_numberSerial number of the Neon module used for the recording. This number is encoded in the QR code on the back of the Neon module.
os_versionVersion of the Android OS that was installed on the recording Companion device.
pipeline_versionVersion of the gaze estimation pipeline used by the Neon Companion app.
recording_idUnique identifier of the recording.
start_timeTimestamp of when the recording was started. Given as UTC timestamp in nanoseconds.
template_dataData regarding the selected template for the recording as well as the response values.
wearer_idUnique identifier of the wearer selected for this recording.
gaze_modeIndicates whether binocular or monocular (right/ left) pipeline was used to infer gaze.
wearer_nameName of the wearer selected for this recording.
workspace_idThe ID of the Pupil Cloud workspace this recording has been assigned to.

Scene Video Scene video is contained in a file following the following naming scheme: <beginning of section ID>_<section start time>-<section end time>.mp4


This file contains the camera intrinsics of the used scene camera. The values are determined via calibration of every camera during manufacturing.

camera_matrixThe camera matrix of the scene camera.
dist_coefsThe distortion coefficients of the scene camera. The order of the values is (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6) following OpenCV's distortion model.
serial_numberSerial number of Neon module used for the recording. This number is encoded in the QR code on the back of the Neon module.
versionThe version of the intrinsics data format.


This file contains the timestamps of every world video frame.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the corresponding world frame.


This file contains event data for all recordings. It contains both event annotations from Pupil Cloud and real-time recording events.

recording idUnique identifier of the recording this event belongs to.
timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp of the event.
nameName of the event.
typeType of the event. Possible values: cloud, recording


This file contains gaze data in world camera coordinates.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the sample. Equal to the timestamp of the eye video frame this sample was generated with.
gaze x [px]Float value representing the x-coordinate of the mapped gaze point in world camera pixel coordinates.
gaze y [px]Same as "gaze x [px]" but for the y-coordinate.
wornThese values indicate whether Neon has been worn by a subject at the respective point in time. 1.0 indicates that it has been worn, while 0.0 indicates that it has not been worn.
fixation idIf this gaze sample belongs to a fixation event, this is the corresponding id of the fixation. Otherwise, this field is empty.
blink idIf this gaze samples belongs to a blink event, this is the corresponding id of the blink. Otherwise this field is empty.
azimuth [deg]The azimuth of the gaze ray in relation to the scene camera in degrees.
elevation [deg]The elevation of the gaze ray in relation to the scene camera in degrees.


This file contains fixations detected in the gaze data stream. The corresponding gaze samples that belong to each fixation can be determined from the gaze.csv file using the fixation id field.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
fixation idIdentifier of the fixation. The counter starts at the beginning of the recording.
start timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the start of the fixation.
end timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the end of the fixation.
duration [ms]Duration of the fixation in milliseconds.
fixation x [px]Float value representing the x-coordinate of the fixation in world camera pixel coordinates. This position is the average of all gaze samples within the fixation.
fixation y [px]Same as "fixation x [px]" but for the y-coordinate.
azimuth [deg]The azimuth of the gaze ray corresponding to the fixation location in relation to the scene camera in degrees.
elevation [deg]The elevation of the gaze ray corresponding to the fixation location in relation to the scene camera in degrees.


This file contains saccades detected by the fixation detector.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
saccade idIdentifier of the saccade. The counter starts at the beginning of the recording.
start timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the start of the saccade.
end timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the end of the saccade.
duration [ms]Duration of the saccade in milliseconds.
amplitude [px]Float value representing the amplitude of the saccade in world camera pixel coordinates.
amplitude [deg]Float value representing the amplitude of the saccade in degrees of visual angle.
mean velocity [px/s]Float value representing the mean velocity of the saccade in world camera pixel coordinates per second.
peak velocity [px/s]Float value representing the peak velocity of the saccade in world camera pixel coordinates per second.


This file contains 3D eye poses, as well as pupil diameter and eye openness data.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the sample. Equal to the timestamp of the eye video frame this sample was generated with.
pupil diameter left [mm]
pupil diameter right [mm]
Physical diameter of the pupil of the left and right eye.
eye ball center left x [mm]
eye ball center left y [mm]
eye ball center left z [mm]
eye ball center right x [mm]
eye ball center right y [mm]
eye ball center right z [mm]
Location of left and right eye ball centers in millimeters in relation to the scene camera of the Neon module. For details on the coordinate systems see here.
optical axis left x
optical axis left y
optical axis left z
optical axis right x
optical axis right y
optical axis right z
Directional vectors describing the optical axes of the left and right eye, i.e. the vector pointing from eye ball center to pupil center of the respective eye. For details on the coordinate systems see here.
eyelid angle top left
eyelid angle bottom left
eyelid angle top right
eyelid angle bottom right
Angles quantifying the vertical opening of the left and right eyes' upper and lower eyelids relative to the eyeball's horizontal plane (in scene camera coordinates) in radians.
eyelid aperture left [mm]
eyelid aperture right [mm]
Maximum vertical arc length between the left and right eyes' upper and lower eyelids, measured in millimeters.

This file contains blinks detected in the eye video. The corresponding gaze samples that belong to each blink can be determined from the gaze.csv file using the blink id field.

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
blink idIdentifier of the blink. The counter starts at the beginning of the recording.
start timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the start of the blink.
end timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the end of the blink.
duration [ms]Duration of the blink in milliseconds.


This file contains data recorded by the integrated IMU (inertial measurement unit).

section idUnique identifier of the corresponding section.
recording idUnique identifier of the recording this sample belongs to.
timestamp [ns]UTC timestamp in nanoseconds of the sample.
gyro x [deg/s]
gyro y [deg/s]
gyro z [deg/s]
Rotation speed around x, y or z-axis respectively in degrees/s.
acceleration x [g]
acceleration y [g]
acceleration z [g]
Translational acceleration (in terms of g-force) along the x, y or z-axis respectively. Note 1 g = 9.80665 m/s^2.
roll [deg]Drift-free estimate of the roll (head tilt from side to side) in degrees. The output range is -180 to +180 degrees. Added in version 2 of this enrichment.
pitch [deg]Drift-free estimate of the pitch (head tilt from front to back) in degrees. The output range is -90 to +90 degrees. Added in version 2 of this enrichment.
yaw [deg]Drift-free estimate of the yaw (horizontal head rotation) in degrees. The output range is -180 to +180 degrees. Added in version 2 of this enrichment.
quaternion w
quaternion x
quaternion y
quaternion z
Quaternion describing the rotation of the Neon module.